What is in order to make? Fast the expert theoretician knows it. Does he know it, or does he want to know, the way?

"There is the right way, there does the finger show",
says the theoretician.The practical man says. "If the foot does not run there, everyone is in two minds as to whether he should go or not."Problems and problem solvings for small ones and big ones. A parable for those in front of experts and juries , they are growing and increase everywhere. At all, have fun at the parable and its illustration,

"Good shoes for exploring."And laurel for the know-it-all! And memorise well to be crowned by laurel is easier but to worry calluses.

Was soll man machen?
Schnell weiss es der fachkundige Theoretiker.
Weiss er es, oder will er es wissen, der Weise?

"Da ist der rechte Weg, dorthin zeigt der Finger" ,
sagt der Theoretiker.Der Praktiker sagt:"Wenn der Fuß nicht dorthin laeuft, weiß keiner, ob der Finger recht hat"
Problem und Problemloesung für groß und klein. Trotzdem, viel Spass an der Parabel und an seiner Illustration,

Gute Schuhe auf den Weg!Und Lorbeer für den Besserwisser!
© 2002 Rolf Bayer